From Tea Leaves to Coffee Beans: The UK's Brewing Love Affair - The Evesham Observer

From Tea Leaves to Coffee Beans: The UK's Brewing Love Affair

Hey, fellow Brits and coffee enthusiasts! When we talk about Britain, tea always comes to mind. But there’s been a recent stir, a delightful little secret brewing beneath our kettles. The UK has slowly been falling head over heels for coffee! That aromatic potion that dances in our mugs each morning, and occasionally in the afternoon, is undeniably becoming a British favourite. With some enlightening insights from tastecard’s latest research, I’ll be serving you a blend of fun facts and anecdotes. So, grab your mugs; it’s time for a rich tale!

The Most Caffeinated Cities in the UK

tastecard’s recent study shows London’s on top with a huge 778,160 coffee-related searches, and to be honest, it’s not a surprise. Edinburgh is in the game too with 162,320 searches. From Manchester to Birmingham, these numbers show how much the UK loves its coffee. Whether you’re in busy Camden or lovely Aberdeen, there’s a coffee lover somewhere close. So, to all my fellow Brits, there’s always a coffee waiting wherever you go in the UK!

Did You Know? Other cities like Glasgow, Oxford, and Bristol also boast impressive coffee search numbers. They’re not just about rich history and picturesque sights, but a thriving coffee scene too!

Did you know?

Did you know Statistica found out that over the past five years, the number of coffee shops in the UK has increased by almost a third. The last cafe survey from Honest Coffees found that our nearest city Birmingham went through a boom and had 323 coffee shops compared with 467 pubs; that’s an astonishing 41%. Could UK towns be seeing a more cafe culture than cocktail soon?

Let’s talk more numbers, what kind of coffees are the UK dreaming and searching about?

Sitting proudly at the top is the robust Americano with a jaw-dropping 1,350,960 searches. Not too far behind, we’ve got the suave Flat White with its 216,800 searches, and who could forget the frothy Cappuccino with its graceful 177,600 searches in 2023 alone?

Purchase-wise, a tastecard sample audience showed the creamy Regular Latte is stealing the show with 22,300 buys, closely followed by the Regular Cappuccino with 14,600 buys and Americano with 13,600 buys. It’s safe to say, Britain has been truly bean-caught!

The most surprising stat yet… The average coffee lover spends £3.25 per brew! Which means the British public are actually losing out on a possible £117 if you are getting your fix 3x a week.

Enter Coffee Club with tastecard, offering you the chance to reap your money back. It’s like getting your daily caffeine fix almost free for a month. Add to that the allure of restaurant deals in Birmingham, and it’s gastronomic heaven!

Coffee in the big city: Coffee Haunts and Dining Spots in Birmingham

You know, there is magic in a homemade brew, but the true essence of coffee lies in its experience. The warmth of a café, the chatter, the aroma that fills the air—it’s a feeling like no other.

It’s sometimes worth it to visit a quaint place, see new people and observe the beauty outside. And for your curious souls, here are some coffee hotspots from Birmingham that offer that go to coffee fix:

  • Cafe 290
  • Karibu Coffee House
  • Rustics Cafe
  • I & M Café Deli
  • Chaiiology

Each spot offers not just a coffee but a sensory journey, a memory waiting to be created. An amazing experience that needs to be shared with the dear ones later.

Brits and Their Coffee Go Hand in Hand

And there we are! As the mist from our coffee clears, it’s evident that the UK’s love for this brewed delight is only growing stronger. But even though the cafe’s are growing, the amount of money we spend doesn’t have to. With this well known deal card in your pocket you can sip without guilt.

With tastecard ushering in a new era of delightful deals and savings, it seems the best is yet to come. Here’s raising a toast to delightful brews and the joy they bring. Cheers to us and our ever evolving love for coffee!


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