Climate change is seriously impacting the planet. How can we fight against it? - The Evesham Observer

Climate change is seriously impacting the planet. How can we fight against it?

Evesham Editorial 22nd Jun, 2023   0

Global warming is disrupting nature’s balance, threatening the lives of humans and other life forms on the planet. It’s hard to neglect all the effects of climate change, as they are becoming more evident day by day. Temperatures have risen considerably, storms have become more destructive, and the loss of species is only increasing. And, of course, air pollution and extreme weather events are also detrimental to people’s health.

It is clear that the climate emergency will not end anytime soon unless something is done about it. Change starts with each individual, and everyone should be aware of their role in reducing climate change’s effects. To lower their carbon footprint, people should take a look at their consumption habits and make different choices. Here are some ideas on how you can become part of the climate solution.

Urge those in power to take action

Voicing your concerns about climate change is an important step towards a more sustainable world. The planet’s future depends on the decisions that members of the Parliament and city mayors make, so try reaching out to them. Consider writing them an engaging letter or an email to draw their attention to an issue and ask for support to implement a specific solution. Although taking individual action is crucial in reducing the carbon footprint, the larger system has great power, and leaders should take climate change seriously and commit to reducing harmful emissions. Your MP is likely to pay attention to your handwritten letter, and if you don’t precisely know how to phrase everything, you can use the available templates. Let them know that you want to discuss climate change to come up with a solution to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Make your commute eco-friendly

If you’re like the majority of people, you likely take your car when going to work. This is unavoidable in today’s society, but automobiles emit greenhouse gases and pollute the air, posing a significant threat to individuals’ health. They are harmful to unborn babies while also increasing the risk of dementia. The solution is to opt for an eco-friendly commute, such as a bike. Not only can this save you money, but it also benefits your mental and physical health. For long distances, you can rely on public transport, such as electric buses.

Be energy-efficient

Preventing pollution can be as simple as making some changes in your home. For instance, you can turn down the boiler’s flow temperature, opt for an electric stove instead of a gas stove, and unplug your electronics whenever you don’t use them. Consider switching light bulbs with lighting that reduces your energy consumption, such as LEDs. Also, make cooking more energy-efficient by utilising a slow cooker or a microwave instead of a barbecue or an oven.

Minimise waste

Tons of waste are dumped on the planet annually, and reports show that there will be a significant increase in the future. This makes it even more critical to take immediate action. Businesses and individuals alike can minimise their waste in different ways. For instance, you can reuse and upcycle an item instead of discarding it. Another thing you can do is plan your meals and store leftovers efficiently to decrease your food waste. If you run a business, consider investing in a waste management solution like a baler or a compactor, like the ones that Miltek provides. You can even rent a baler if, for any reason, you aren’t planning to purchase new equipment at the moment.

Buy local

This is something people don’t often think about, but food fuels significant threats to the survival of humanity. Yes, you’ve read that right. Before they reach a store shelf, groceries go through many stages – they are processed, packaged, transported and then marketed, a process that can harm the environment. Buying local foods is a great way to lower your carbon footprint while also helping small businesses in your area. Sustainable agriculture uses significantly less energy (up to 56%), enabling greater biodiversity levels than traditional farming. If you want to take your green practices one step further, consider growing your own vegetables and fruit and plant them on a balcony, a window sill or in a garden, if you have one.

Make sustainable fashion choices

When you see a clothing item you love, it’s hard to resist the temptation not to buy it. But did you know your thirst for the latest fashion trends poses threats to the planet? Fast fashion is a major culprit for the global carbon emissions produced yearly, accounting for 10%. However, the truth is that consumers are the ones who drive fast fashion – the industry is growing as people purchase more and more clothes on a regular basis. In 2000 alone, 50 billion new garments were produced, and the figure only increased significantly in the following years. If customers are the ones causing the problem, this means they also have the power to change things, and you can do that in different ways, like buying second-hand or repairing damaged clothes. Also, pay attention to the labels of the clothes and buy from sustainable brands whose mission is to minimise their impact on the planet.

Start a conversation about the climate crisis

Real, long-lasting change comes when people work together, and reducing climate change’s effects isn’t something you can do alone. As you work towards reducing your environmental impact, talk to others about your steps to achieve your sustainability goals. Educating friends and family about the effects of climate change on the planet can make a tremendous difference because they will likely find your actions inspiring and take responsibility for their role in protecting the environment.

Take action today to reverse the effects of climate change

The planet is everyone’s home, and taking care of it is vital to live healthy and satisfying lives. Each individual should play their part in saving Mother Earth and combat the devastating effects of climate change. Remember, your actions matter more than you think and will impact the planet’s future, so be a part of the change by making sustainable choices.

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